Broadcast package |
In 2017 we worked with S4C on their Christmas campaign. Based on Sami traditional dress and patterns we created a race of hard working / hard partying elves and built a fully functioning toy workshop complete with cog driven shoots, slides and conveyor belts powered by heat from the boiler room.
Up until Christmas the animations featured the elves hard at work producing toys for the big day. After Christmas day the elves enjoy their time off and celebrate. The package consisted of numerous idents, stings, break bumpers, promo endboards and online animated messages.
In 2018, we revisit the factory. Whereas last year we saw the boiler room, manufacturing, design, IT and packaging departments hard at work, this year we visited the despatch, reindeer and flight crew departments. The pre Christmas promo begins at the exact point the 2017 promo ended but at the other end of a conveyor belt where a present emerges in the despatch area. We follow a series of events which take us through the luxury stables and outside where a ramp emerges to launch the sleigh. The post Christmas promo sees how these departments celebrate.